Monday, 4 May 2009

The conspiracy continued...

On the very next day, I read the following letter in my local newspaper, the Worcester News, on 3 may 2009:

SIR – It is highly worrying that on Tuesday morning at Birmingham airport, 400 passengers were allowed to leave a flight from Brazil and go their separate ways – without any checks, records or advice.

Why did nobody go on the plane before embarkation, check the passengers and give advice?

It is now quite obvious that the authorities are not serious about containing the spread of this virus – and for very good reasons. The benefits of a worldwide killer pandemic are huge!

A large global loss of life through ostensibly “natural causes” would lift a huge burden from politicians, by reducing world over-population at a stroke without the enormous cost of any war. It also instantly reduces the demand on our stretched food stocks.

I would go further and say that it might have been surreptitiously and deliberately introduced and Mexico would be the ideal propagation nation. The pieces of the puzzle fit rather too neatly for my liking.

So, always use a hanky and wash your hands frequently.


As I suspected, some people will find a conspiracy everywhere.

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